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Mundo Capoeira dla WOŚP

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[POL] Brazylijska szkoła sztuki walki MUNDO CAPOEIRA MULLINGAR, Mundo Capoeira Mullingar serdecznie zaprasza WSZYSTKICH na trening 'Mundo Capoeira dla WOŚP'. Wszystkich zainteresowanych spoza grupy Mundo Capoeira Mullingar prosimy o kontakt z Krzysztof Rittau Vizinho.

Opłaty za lekcje w dniu 8-1-2020 o godzinie 18:30 zostaną przekazane dla Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy.

TRENING Mundo Capoeira w Mullingar:

St Brigid's Special School,

Harbour St, Commons, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath

Sroda 8-1-2020, godz: 18:30

Wspaniale, że jesteście razem z nami na pokładzie!

[ENG] Brazilian martial art school MUNDO CAPOEIRA MULLINGAR, Mundo Capoeira Mullingar is inviting EVERYBODY for 'Mundo Capoeira dla WOŚP' training session on Wednesday, 8th January 2020 @ 6.30pm. Everyone who is not already in the Mundo Capoeira Mullingar and would like to attend the training, please contact Krzysztof Rittau Vizinho.

Entry fees will be donated to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP) foundation.

Mundo Capoeira TRAINING in Mullingar:

St Brigid's Special School,

Harbour St, Commons, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath

Wednesday, 8th Jan, 2020, @6.30pm

It's fantastic, you are with us on the board!

Earlier Event: December 14
Nasza Polska Szkoła (Mullingar) dla WOŚP
Later Event: January 8