MPC-TV - Tale About Happiness - Irish-Ukrainian puppet show Athlone

[POL] Wczoraj, nasza grup telewizji spolecznej MPC.TV nagrywala irlandzko-ukrainskie przedstawienie 'Tale About Happiness' zorganizowane przez School of Aesthetic Development “Freedom” Athlone w ramach @cruinniu na nOg Westmeath County Council 😍❤️🎥 Dziekujemy za zaproszenie! Dziekujemy Alesia, Chamel oraz Dydo za Wasz czas i pomoc przy nagraniu!

[ENG] Yesterday, our community TV group - MPC.TV recoreded Irish-Ukrainina puppet show 'Tale About Happiness' organized by School of Aesthetic Development “Freedom” Athlone as part of the Cruinniu na nOg Westmeath Libraries Westmeath Independent Thank you for the invitation! Thank you to Alesia, Dydo and Chamel for your time and help during the recording!